Response Toolkit

Empire has created this COVID-19 Response Toolkit site to help you respond to the challenges that many employers and brokers are facing due to the COVID-19 pandemic. On this site, you will find ready-to-share information, tools and resources to navigate this rapidly changing landscape. Your Empire rep stands ready to consult with you on each one.

Vaccine Information


Discussions about
COVID-19 Vaccinations with
Reed Tuckson, M.D., FACP


The COVID-19 vaccines –
Myths vs. Facts Part 1

This flyer provides common myths and facts
about the vaccines.


The COVID-19 vaccines –
Myths vs. Facts Part 2

This flyer provides common myths and facts
about the vaccines.


Preparing for the COVID-19 vaccination

Understand how to prepare for the vaccination and what
to expect during and after an appointment.


Herd Immunity

Understand what it is and how it can help
in the fight against COVID-19.


The COVID-19 vaccines – Facts from experts

This flyer includes information, advice, and recommendations from trusted health experts and medical professionals to help you better understand the COVID-19 vaccines.


HealthPass from the Sydney
Health app

Learn how to quickly upload and access a digital copy of your COVID-19 vaccine card in the Sydney Health app.

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Episode #1:  Vaccine Safety

Episode #2: The COVID-19 Vaccines:  Myths vs. Facts

Vaccine insights infographic


Testing Information


Member Article
COVID-19 Coverage Expanded to Include Over-the-Counter Kits for Diagnostic Tests


Broker Article
Over-the-counter COVID-19 diagnostic test coverage starts January 15


U.S. Department of Health and Human Services announcement: Coverage for COVID-19 tests

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COVID-19 Test Site Locator

A ZIP-based resource to easily find local COVID-19 testing sites

Resources & Support


COVID-19 Employer Relief Options Guide

This guide provides resources for employers who have been impacted by COVID-19.


COBRA and State Continuation
Subsidy FAQs

Learn about American Rescue Plan COBRA and state continuation subsidies.


State Continuation Subsidy and
Anthem Process FAQ’s

Additional information on State Continuation
subsidies and how Anthem will handle the process.

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COVID-19 Employer Support

This easy-to-use decision tree provides a step-by-step breakdown of client scenarios and Empire solutions that can help address them during this unprecedented time.

Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) Flyer

This resource is designed to help businesses understand the PPP. The deadline to apply for the updated PPP is May 31, 2021. Please consult with a tax advisor when preparing for your business needs.

Coverage Options Flyer

The latest health insurance information and special Coverage Option Hotline phone number specifically for employees displaced due to the COVID-19 pandemic.


How your COVID-19 benefits work

Our COVID-19 Resource Center has the latest COVID benefit information.


Log in to receive up-to-date information on
benefits for your employees.


FAQs and additional resources to support your
clients are available in our secure Producer Toolbox.

Reopening the Workplace


How to manage Back-to-the
Workplace Anxiety


Return to the Workplace – Infographic #2

How members are feeling


Return to the Workplace – Infographic #1

What employers are planning


Tools and information to help
make decisions about reopening workplaces  

Just for Brokers


Broker-specific information to help in benefit buy-down discussions with their clients. 


Broker-specific information to help eligible members move to Medicare.


An overview of Medicaid, including who and what it covers, costs and state-specific links.

It is critical to us to meet your needs. Feedback and suggestions are welcome.

© 2021 Empire. Serving residents and businesses in the 28 eastern and southeastern counties of New York State.